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Ad War | The battle of the Phones | Nokia, IPhone, Samsung

Posted 8 years ago

Ad Wars: Episode 1 - Nokia vs Others

Advertisements have been a hugely successful marketing tool used to drive sales for almost any product or service. As a direct outcome, rival brands are forced to keep bettering their campaigns in order to stay a step ahead of, or catch up with the competition. 

Over the next few weeks we’ll go through a list of famous rivalries that led to some highly entertaining ad wars; a tactic that’s been both amusing and catchy given the perpetual state of confusion that a consumer often finds themself in in today’s day and age.

I was feeling a bit nostalgic today so I’ve decided to cover a couple of extremely clever smartphone ads that came out at a time when the cellphone was fast gaining a reputation of being a LOT more than just a phone. However there is an element of sadness about this article as the ads shown below were for the now deceased Nokia cell phone brand. 


The ad shows a fight break out at a wedding between iPhone and Galaxy fanatics while being recorded by 2 of the catering staff on the new Nokia Lumia. The tongue in cheek humour based around the Samsung vs Apple rivalry was directed at those consumers looking for another alternate and the ad does a rather apt job of covering the gimmicks that both best sellers advertised on their products (Apple’s Siri and Samsung’s S Beam). 


This ad is a bit subtler in terms of Nokia addressing its direct rivals during the course of the ad. Although you can see a lot of iPhones being used, no direct reference is made to any brand. What Nokia had aimed to do was to advertise the fact that the 41 megapixel camera on its then new Nokia Lumia 1020 model war far superior to any smartphone camera out there.

However this was never going to be a case of David vs 2 Goliaths as both Apple and Samsung have continued to lead the smartphone markets whereas Nokia has disappeared and barely anyone is bothered. While going through the comments sections of these videos, I came across a rather fitting and witty statement that seemed to describe Nokia’s plight towards the end of it’s life:

Youtube User Georg Gerdon says – “ This is just too easy to comment: Statistically this video is very correct - there are never more than two Nokia users in a room of 100 people! :-D ”


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  • Ekta GoenkaPosted 8 years agoSamsung Galaxy phone is very smart and good
  • niharikareddyPosted 8 years agosamsung gives great pleasure when we use it gives a rich look
  • Ravi KLPosted 8 years agonokia is making of fun themselves in this ad.. no own wins complaining about other.. free promotion to samsung and apple..
  • swapnilPosted 8 years agoonly one the iphone is best
  • dilip chaudharyPosted 8 years agoyes its not good for the every mobile company because every company have their own policy
  • ThangavelPosted 8 years agoAwaiting for Nokia's return
  • rickenPosted 8 years agonow a days every brand is competition
  • Swapnil PorwalPosted 8 years agoNokia ad is awesome and they made fun of other brands
  • V RAJAPosted 8 years agoamazing ad.
  • deepaPosted 8 years agoWaiting eagerly for nokia's return, the best phone ever
  • shikharPosted 8 years agoNolia plz it should not compare with samsung and iphone
  • zeeshanPosted 8 years agoGoo
  • krishnaPosted 8 years agoNice..............
  • AnuragPosted 8 years agoEverybody has their own choices but I'd say Samsung is cost effective and worth buying..
  • shyamPosted 8 years agoOnly ad wars. They forgot the quality they provided us in last years. Now they are making only for business not for safety. These days many of the samsung owners got injured by phone blast. Glad to see if Nokia make come back with a Android phone and dont forget Nokia was only killed by microsoft.
  • Jimmy JoyPosted 8 years agoIsn't this AD brillialy written, showcasing the main feature of the brand. Ass a product, the initial black and white Nokia phones were simply brilliant. I still have a non digital Nokia phone which works brilliantly and serves my purpose. Can't say the same about the Windows enabled Nokia phones. Will NOKIA ever make a comeback, is a million dollar question. But the ADs surely got my attention.
  • gufranPosted 8 years agoiphone is best
  • ANUJ RANAPosted 8 years agoNokiaaa....will i miss you !! of course yesss.....
  • shubhamPosted 7 years agoThis ad is a bit subtler in terms of Nokia addressing its direct rivals during the course of the ad. Although you can see a lot of iPhones being used, no direct reference is made to any brand. What Nokia had aimed to do was to advertise the fact that the 41 megapixel camera on its then new Nokia Lumia 1020 model war far superior to any smartphone camera out there. However this was never going to be a case of David vs 2 Goliaths as both Apple and Samsung have continued to lead the smartphone markets whereas Nokia has disappeared and barely anyone is bothered. While going through the comments sections of these videos, I came across a rather fitting and witty statement that seemed to describe Nokia’s plight towards the end of it’s life: Youtube User Georg Gerdon says – “ This is just too easy to comment: Statistically this video is very correct - there are never more than two Nokia users in a room of 100 people! :-D ”
  • Abhishek PariharPosted 7 years agowell, that was a tough fight. But One thing you saw that there were only apple and samsung fighting, not those having the Lumias. Because to be honest, nokia was never ever a part of this fight and its market share in smartphone and its current situation(before the launch of nokia android phones) proves that. I presently use three smartphones, a nokia lumia 730(windows 10), an aplle iphone 6s, a samsung galaxy A7. Coming to nokia first, phone build quality is something nokia known for, amazing body, glass, camera...hardware part..its 10/10. But what the use of having such beautifully crafted hardware when the software is sooooo bugged, yes windows phone 10 was launched in july 2015 and still it is receiving updates on my phone. Every update makes it more pathetic. Yes Microsoft ruined nokia's golden age in smartphone by totally neglecting the phones OS and only focusing on PC. The result of it was, lumias or i can say windows phones are discontinued. Nokia betting its luck on android and receiving a warm welcome. after so many years. Iphones and galaxies have always been arch rivals, but what i love about iphones is that those phones bought in 2012 are still supported by aplle in their regular updates, and my 2 year old A7 is not even present on samsungs website plus, i rarely receive updates of bug fixes. Samsung products come in every price range making them largest manufacturer on android market, but iphones being premium still dominate 30% of the mobile market. Samsung preimiumproducts are meant to compete only with iphones and believe my they always remain one step ahead and few bucks cheaper when compared with iphones. Samsung is competing with an entire diffent OS and some brands like oneplus huwaie and many more. When note 7 exploded, samsung was trolled from all over but still they grew their standards and now they are back with a bang. So I think if you are interested in premium phones but your choice differs from android to iOS, go for samsung or an iPhone and now nokia is back with android phone one can go for nokia also. The choice is toatally yours and if you wanna know which one is the best, samsung or apple...well this debate will never end. And you want to be a part of a pathetic but beautifull looking OS so that you can look One in Millions. Go for a windows phone having a huge share of 0.01% (and declining everyday) in mobile phone market, if there is any windows phone left alive out there.
  • MamtaPosted 7 years agoGood
  • Sharad GaikwadPosted 7 years agoGood phone samasung
  • ankitPosted 7 years agoIsn't this AD brillialy written, showcasing the main feature of the brand. Ass a product, the initial black and white Nokia phones were simply brilliant. I still have a non digital Nokia phone which works brilliantly and serves my purpose. Can't say the same about the Windows enabled Nokia phones. Will NOKIA ever make a comeback, is a million dollar question. But the ADs surely got my attention.
  • Priyanka GhatalPosted 6 years agoHahaha that ad is Nokia Lumia phone funny ad I enjoying for watching
  • Melvin TomPosted 6 years agoMind blowing, Bomblastic and marvelous ad ever seen
  • RahulPosted 6 years agoi like nokia, nokia is the best phone
  • Arfiya TambePosted 6 years agocompetitors are so tuff in the market
  • RahulPosted 6 years agoi like samsung so much
  • sujit.purkayasthaPosted 6 years agosamsung and apple both are favourate to people. but samsung is less costly
  • Tapati PurkayasthaPosted 6 years agoi am having nokia phone since i am dsing mobile
  • Tapati PurkayasthaPosted 6 years agosamsung mobile also good
  • sujit.purkayasthaPosted 6 years agoiphone is very very intelligent
  • Tapati PurkayasthaPosted 5 years agosamsung and apple both are good smart phone
  • sujit.purkayasthaPosted 4 years agoSamsung is best brand
  • sujit.purkayasthaPosted 4 years agoI have used Samsung phone of three categories including galaxy j6
  • sujit.purkayasthaPosted 4 years agoSamsung is better
  • sujit.purkayasthaPosted 4 years agoSamsung is good phone
  • sujit.purkayasthaPosted 4 years agoiPhone is the best phone
  • sujit.purkayasthaPosted 4 years agoMy first phone was Nokia is good
  • sujit.purkayasthaPosted 4 years agoI am at present Samsung galaxy phone is a very good smartphone.I love it.
  • sujit.purkayasthaPosted 4 years agoSamsung is a good phone and have in demand
  • MUNEER PASHA Posted 3 years agoGuffey and the good news about this



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