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Unicef - Tap Project

Posted 8 years ago


UNICEF or The United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund in 2007 launched their Tap Project which aims at trying to bridge the gap among the inequalities that exists in the world. On one hand, children struggle to get a glass of drinking water, while on the other, there is the privileged lot that is unable to take their eyes and hands of their smart phones, taking for granted almost everything around them, especially something as small in their world as a glass of water.

The sponsors of this project pledged to donate a $1 for every minute one can go without touching their phone. Their goal is to try and encourage people to put down something material, which has come to rule their world, and by doing this will grant children access to what is the most basic and vital need of all, water.

What do you think about this campaign? How long do you think you could last without touching your smart phone, while knowing on the other end of the line someone is benefitting immensely, just by you putting your social life on hold for a while.

Do you think such a campaign would work in a place like India, where lack of clean drinking water is only one of the many basic necessities millions are deprived of everyday? 


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  • Subrat Kumar SahuPosted 8 years agoawesome
  • rickenPosted 8 years agoinspiring and supportive
  • K SaikiranPosted 8 years agoI understood the thing. But i didnt get how they are going to provide water for them.
  • Shamsheer KhanPosted 8 years agoSuperb
  • deepaPosted 8 years agoClean drinking water is more important than mobile phone,good initiative
  • SaiPosted 8 years agoWow nice
  • Swapnil PorwalPosted 8 years agoThis ad realize me that you can use your smartphone to make something good to other in the world where people can't afford water and also I make some contributions also to the persons who want that thing. I love to take this challenge and also tell other to take that challenge also.
  • deepaPosted 8 years agoinnovative and amazing project
  • thatikonda.rajeshPosted 8 years agogreat and very enthusiastic super
  • Rishi ModiPosted 8 years agoAwesome and supporting
  • Tanishq.A. JainPosted 8 years agogreat thought :)
  • Dr. Anil GuptaPosted 8 years agoInteresting ad.
  • Swapnil PorwalPosted 8 years agoBest ad campaign, which changes people life.
  • Lisharani DhalPosted 8 years agoits so good
  • virendraPosted 8 years agoUNICEF is doing a great work
  • Chanchal DasPosted 8 years agoVery Nice Ad for Children development and educational things..
  • ROHIT KUMAR Posted 8 years agoAmazing and superior
  • Shruti Gupta Posted 8 years agoSure we can do that in india as we have lot of youngster who would actually like to help keeping aside our phones,, we need to show our unity and fight for a cause..our little step can actually help people in a big way✌🏻️
  • manojPosted 8 years agoGreat opportunity for the peoples who unable to fulfill their basic needs
  • TarunPosted 8 years agoGood
  • ShyamPosted 8 years agoAwesome
  • Chanchal DasPosted 8 years agoMost creative
  • AmanPosted 8 years agoliked
  • Rahul kalalPosted 8 years agoI like this all add
  • Megha DmPosted 8 years agoA really convincing and well done ad! It made me actually go to the site and check it out.
  • vaibhav kumarPosted 8 years agoI concern with them
  • Arpan_TrivediPosted 8 years agoLack of potable water is a big problem and the ironey is that at the same time we waste lots of water for no reason...hence such ads should have more frequency so that people unite in public interest.
  • RAJAT PURIPosted 8 years agoi love these concept like ice bucket challenge these challenge actually work and make big difference and make more money for those they nead it
  • Rahul kalalPosted 8 years agoNice
  • Minal BPosted 8 years agoWill be enrolling for this, this will surely help make a concious effort of not touching my phone every other second thus eliminating my habit and helping some poor kid get Clean Drinking Water. Wonderful, isn't it?
  • ANUJ RANAPosted 8 years agoNice iniciative ....
  • NagajyothiPosted 8 years agovery unique
  • jagriti mishraPosted 8 years agoWowww just amazing
  • giriPosted 8 years agoyes
  • jagdishgargPosted 8 years agowater is life every body knows it.
  • KAUSHIK GARAIPosted 8 years agoinspiring
  • ChinniPosted 8 years agoReally awesome
  • Sunil JainPosted 8 years agoawesome
  • avtar singhPosted 8 years agoGood cause , please please please save water....
  • vaibhav kumarPosted 8 years agoVery concerned
  • jagannath beheraPosted 8 years agoawesome
  • Anil Kumar SadaranganiPosted 8 years agoI understood the thing. But i didnt get how they are going to provide water for them.
  • priyal poddar Posted 8 years agoAmazing ad campaign which can change people life
  • manoj kumar bekalPosted 8 years agoliked
  • jagannath beheraPosted 8 years agosuper
  • jagannath beheraPosted 8 years agonice
  • jagannath beheraPosted 8 years agofood
  • shikharPosted 8 years agoits very inspiring and awesome and supportive
  • shikharPosted 8 years agogret video
  • krishnaPosted 8 years agoAwesome idea to provide clean water
  • vidhisha chatterjeePosted 8 years agosimple, descriptive, inspirational and moving
  • meetPosted 8 years agovery nice discribe..
  • Mukthadeer Ahmad QaziPosted 8 years ago🎩 😁 👕👍Great! 👖
  • Vijay HarsoraPosted 8 years agoNice way to contribute
  • munish kumarPosted 8 years agoi like it good
  • SANJAY VISHAL SAMUEL PANDIANPosted 8 years agoShould provide app for download.
  • shubhamPosted 7 years agoThe sponsors of this project pledged to donate a $1 for every minute one can go without touching their phone. Their goal is to try and encourage people to put down something material, which has come to rule their world, and by doing this will grant children access to what is the most basic and vital need of all, water. What do you think about this campaign? How long do you think you could last without touching your smart phone, while knowing on the other end of the line someone is benefitting immensely, just by you putting your social life on hold for a while. Do you think such a campaign would work in a place like India, where lack of clean drinking water is only one of the many basic necessities millions are deprived of everyday?
  • Abhishek PariharPosted 7 years agoI read it somewhere that the reason behind world war 4 will be water( oil being the reason for world war 3). One moight find this statement very misleading that how can availability of water start a war. Just look at some videos posted by media about those places where there is shortage of water for a long period of time and then a train or a tanker containing water arrives. People just rush over each other in order to procure a bucket of water. Imagine same scene when water is not available in an entire country, a continent. What will happen? people will start killing each other in order to have their rights over those limited source of potable water. That's the impact and power of water. It can bring peace among two nations(india supplying water trains to its neighbors) or a situation of war(sudan and most of the part of africa) Its the right time for us to recognize the need of an hour that how equal availability of water is essential for each and every human on this planet. This initiative by UNICEF is really appreciable that how we can contribute toward availability of water to those in need. Why keeping your phone aside is mentioned? Its a simple logic. Lesser the time we spend on a mobile phone more we will be using it for something productive, more we will be earining, more will be the taxes payed, more will be the revenue with the governments to spend on public health and availability of water. I am signing for it right now and as it is UNICEF one can generously transfer some contribution from their side and be assured that it will be used for something good. I have seen a similar initiative in which there is an app which claims to plant a tree if you do not use your mobile for an hour. World needs such noble initiative and contribution, though somewhat invisible, of each and every individual to make it a better place to live. Water is not a property of a single nation or government, it an elixir of mother earth for its children and everbody owes equal share in it.
  • MamtaPosted 7 years agoNice
  • MamtaPosted 7 years agoGreat job
  • MamtaPosted 7 years agoGreat job
  • dineshPosted 7 years agojust for getting that what's the narrative being made here , I heard it thrice and then understood what being told here. UNICEF and sponsors of #uniceftapproject in collaboration have undertaken such a great challenge for themselves and they have put up another great challenge for people of alike age-bar.....all those using smartphones. Putting down smartphone for a particular span of 5 minutes can earn a child clean glass of water . You heard it......will you promise to put down your phone for some times just because it can fetch fresh water ! ......if you are kind enough it ...take this great challenge ....and challenge others also to take this ......bcoz here you do not have to pay ,you just have to put your phone down for sometimes will help millions of children across India and around the world to get fresh blessings of beautiful blue drops of water . You are suggested to put down your phone for sometimes or for a month or so on advise of a doctor for the reason that your eyes will be healthy ,mind will work better ,better memory etc etc.why to do that?.....UNICEF and its sponsors provide you a golden advice in this way free of cost and you don't have to abandon your phone for a month or a year if you follow this prescription of UNICEF ..... So..let's together take challenge and enroll others to take this healthy and humanitarian challenge for a good cause.join #uniceftapproject by downloading the app aforesaid in the video .
  • RiyaPosted 7 years agoWater does not resist. Water flows. When you plunge your hand into it, all you feel is a caress. Water is not a solid wall, it will not stop you. But water always goes where it wants to go, and nothing in the end can stand against it. Water is patient. Dripping water wears away a stone. Remember that, through this Unicef water tap can contribute to a change. Remember you are half water. If you can't go through an obstacle, go around it. Water does.
  • rajendraPosted 7 years agonice
  • NGASHEPAM BINOD KUMAR SINGHPosted 7 years agonice ad..beautiful creativity
  • Krishnaveni KPosted 7 years agoYes i agree with you and i was just not able to stop enrolling from this, may be my contribution is less but each one in India can contribution and make big and lets all together bring the Clean Drinking Water for poor.
  • virender singh negiPosted 7 years agogood initiative and every one take part this type of campaign.
  • BareaPosted 7 years agoYeah sure it can work in india...india is a developing country and even the only country where i find love....purely
  • Priyanka GhatalPosted 6 years agoSuperb ad child for clean water so good decision
  • Kanika ShriyanPosted 6 years agoGreat initiative really. Such a necessity Water is bad still there are millions across the world without clean drinking water. Will definitely give this a try and do my bit and also spread awareness about this. Such a small thing to do for such a BIG nad IMPORTANT cause.
  • EbenezerPosted 6 years agoI am going to goint in UNICEF tap project.
  • Melvin TomPosted 6 years agoMind blowing, Boblastic and supercool ad
  • balraj singhPosted 6 years agogood
  • RahulPosted 6 years agogood
  • RahulPosted 6 years agoit so good
  • RahulPosted 6 years agogreat work
  • vikas singh ranaPosted 6 years agoits so great job doing by UNICEF and we also have to be contribute ourselves.
  • MAUSUMI MAITRAPosted 6 years agonice one
  • MAUSUMI MAITRAPosted 6 years agonice
  • sujit.purkayasthaPosted 6 years agoad on basic need ie water is awesome
  • sujit.purkayasthaPosted 6 years agoawesome
  • sujit.purkayasthaPosted 6 years agoExcellent
  • aditya kumar vermaPosted 6 years agoUnicef works are best
  • Tapati PurkayasthaPosted 5 years agoWater is basic need but smart phone is a luxury
  • sujit.purkayasthaPosted 5 years agoI am very much interested in this type of ad .
  • sujit.purkayasthaPosted 5 years agoI feel this campaign should also be popularised in India
  • sujit.purkayasthaPosted 5 years agobrilliant idea
  • sujit.purkayasthaPosted 5 years agoAwesome ad
  • Tapati PurkayasthaPosted 5 years agoWater is life and essential for all living
  • Tapati PurkayasthaPosted 5 years agoClean drinking water is most essential
  • Tapati PurkayasthaPosted 4 years agoInspiring
  • sujit.purkayasthaPosted 4 years agoBrilliant ad
  • sujit.purkayasthaPosted 4 years agoAmazing ad of drinking water as compared to smart phone
  • sujit.purkayasthaPosted 4 years agoAmazing , lifesaving and wonderful ad
  • sujit.purkayasthaPosted 4 years agoThis ad is the best as per my opinion .Water is precious in world. Underground water is shrinking everyday due to withdrawal of water for various use. It was noticed globally that the scarcity of water due to varities natural calamities like draught , shrinking bof forest , increased population etc .The demand ii's increasing everyday .So the concept of ad is brilliant.



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